Being offered a job after a long search for employment is always exciting, let alone being offered more than one. However, things can be stressful if you are unsure which option is the “right” one. There are a lot of factors to consider such as salary, flexibility and PTO, benefits, and the overall environment of the organization. Don’t stress too much though, this is a good problem to have and there are a ton of ways to compare multiple job offers. After utilizing these tips and considering every aspect, you will be able to decide which offer is the best fit for you.  

To make an informed decision, it’s important to learn all that there is to know about each job and organization. Gathering all the facts will help you conduct an analysis of all your offers, and choose the right one. 

Express Enthusiasm 

Since you will be comparing opportunities from multiple organizations, you will be in touch with different hiring managers and will likely need to ask more questions before making a final choice. Since you don’t want to come off as uninterested in the role, it’s important that you are optimistic and enthusiastic until you make a decision. However, be sure to do this without giving a definite “yes” either. It’s OK for organizations to know you have other offers, but never give the impression that one is more or less important than the rest. This could ruin your chances of landing a role you were already offered.  

Think About Your Goals. 

What are you looking for in a new role? Even if circumstances beyond your control helped set you on this job search, stop to consider what you specifically want to achieve with your next position. This isn’t just “getting a new job” either. Think about what you want in comparison to your previous role: 

  • A higher salary? 
  • More professional development opportunities? 
  • Better benefits? 
  • The ability to work remotely? 
  • The opportunity to work for a certain type of company or in a particular industry? 
  • All of the above? 

Keep these initial goals in mind when reviewing multiple job offers, and use them as a checklist to guide your decision-making. 

Think Long-Term

Don’t be so quick to take the highest paying job or the one that seems most appealing at this very moment in time.  

If your main goal in securing a new job is to earn a higher salary, your initial inclination could be to choose Offer A, which pays the most. However, say Offer B has a lower salary yet presents a greater opportunity for growth. In this scenario, offer A pays more now, but you could eventually make much more money by choosing Offer B if you rise through the ranks as expected. 

Consider Culture 

Culture is important. If you don’t like your work environment, no amount of money or perks will keep you satisfied. Identify the type of company culture that comes with each job offer, and think about how it matches up with your values. This should be a big factor in your final decision. 

A good way to evaluate company culture is to ask yourself the following questions:  

  • Were you able to establish a connection with the hiring manager? Could you see yourself working for them every day? 
  • What was the energy in the office like? Does it match your preferred work style? 
  • Did the workers you interacted with or passed in the hallway seem happy and engaged? 
  • Do you know anyone who has worked for the company? If so, what feedback does that contact have? 

Additionally, if the work-life balance is important to you, evaluate the way the company manages that. You can ask if there are any programs or policies in place to promote balance. If your someone who values fun in the workplace, inquire about this. These are all important parts of company culture, which is a huge factor when choosing the right job offer.  

Whatever decision you make in the end, it’s important to act promptly and graciously. Contact ALL of the hiring managers, and thank them for their time as well as inform them of your decision. If you take all of these tips into mind when comparing offers, you are sure to be satisfied with the job you choose.