If you read our previous blog, you know how many distractions can pose a threat in the workplace. If you work remotely, you may not relate to many of the common “in-office” distractions, but to nobody’s surprise working remotely has brought a world of other distractions. So many that we had to make a whole different blog about it. Here are some common remote work distractions and ways to avoid them moving forward.


Shockingly,  your cell phone can pose a serious distraction during your workday, arguably even more so when you work remotely as opposed to in-office. You might be cozied up on your couch when you hear your phone go off and think, “what’s the harm in answering just one text?” There’s no manager around to catch you by surprise, right? Wrong. It’s easy to form a bad habit out of browsing your phone when you have downtime during the day, and the easiest solution is to practice, “out of sight, out of mind.” If you have been accustomed to keeping your phone at your side, try placing it in a spot where it is not so easily accessible. Maybe keep it out of reach in another room or keep it on silent and turn it upside down so you are not a slave to every alert.


As tempting as it is to binge that new Netflix series, it is not recommended. Working with a tv on in general can be very distracting and can keep you from performing the task at hand. 5 minutes can turn into 50 quickly and before you know it you are unable to complete your work on time. Though not everyone has an office space in their home, the kitchen table can make for a wonderful workspace. Not many people have televisions in their kitchen so this should eliminate that distraction altogether. Sitting up at a table can enhance your productivity and keep you engaged in your workday. Don’t knock it, till you try it.


Why is it that on the weekends when we are free of work, we find it hard to motivate ourselves to do the chores, but for some reason when that pile of laundry or sink full of dishes is staring you in the face during your workday it’s hard to resist? Riddle me that. It is easy in between meetings or tasks to spend 10 minutes here and there on chores but know that it is a bad habit worth breaking. A recent study showed that of 1,000 workers surveyed, 53% believed that working remotely made it more difficult to separate work and life. Clearly, the line is almost directly down the middle, but if you find yourself in agreeance with that 53%, then I can promise you to add chores to your to-do list during your workday will do anything but give you a better work-life balance. If you simply must complete the laundry save it for your lunch break which you should most definitely still be taking even though you are home. If anything, it may be more important to take your lunch break so you can get out for a walk or run a quick errand and let your mind disconnect for a minute. Along with chores, cooking can easily become a distraction to your workday. When you worked in the office you probably had meals prepared that you could pop in the microwave or quick grab-and-go snacks that don’t take time to prepare. When you work from home it can be easy to make a gourmet breakfast or get dinner started early. Try keeping the snacks and lunches throughout the day to grab-and-go just as if you were in the office.


If you have children who are below school age and you are able (with the crazy cost) to bring them to daycare, you should do it. Working remotely should not be your reason for playing mom or dad while also carrying your workload on your back. If your kids are in school and take the bus home, they may arrive an hour or two before your workday is complete. Try setting up a routine where they can have quiet snack time in another room or provide them with another task such as homework or an art project to do while you finish up work. If you have pets, try giving them an activity to keep their minds busy while you are working. If you have a fenced-in yard and it’s nice out, try letting them roam outside for a bit while you are in meetings. It’s easy to want to switch focus when they are doing something cute but try to save playtime for your lunch break or after work.

You could ask 100 people what their take on working remotely is and I’ll bet you receive 100 different answers. Everyone has different priorities and different time management skills that became prevalent with a remote schedule. If you are someone who prefers working in-office, see if that is an option for you. If you like the flexibility that working remotely provides, try not letting these distractions pose a threat. For any additional questions, please give us a call at (518) 275-4816!