Working from home post-pandemic is now part of the norm. If you are new to working remotely or you are looking to improve your productivity while working from home, read these tips first.

Set up a Station/Office Space

Having a designated spot for you to work from home is crucial. This will minimize distractions, and allow you to turn work “off” when you’re not in your space, and “on” when you’re in it. Creating an office space will also help you to separate yourself from your family when you need time to focus and get work done.

 Abide By Your Schedule

One of the controversial aspects of working remotely is the lack of boundaries employees develop for themselves. For example – not sticking to their hours. Without set schedules, working from home can turn into a blurred line of dabbling in and out of work from morning until bedtime. Setting and sticking to a schedule will improve performance as well as work-life balance.

Schedule Breaks

Another drawback of working from home is there is no one reminding you to take breaks. It is much easier to skip your lunch break, skip the restroom, or skip taking breaks in general. However, you want to ensure you’re being as productive as possible, so schedule breaks throughout your day. Set your lunch break and make the commitment to yourself to stick to it. Allow yourself small breaks throughout the day as well. This will not only keep you more productive but also prevent burnout.

How do you make work from home work for you?



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