Businesses and companies have gone global. Communication is at an all-time high. Not only were people forced to work from home throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but now the option is present almost everywhere. Some businesses even outsource their marketing and administrative tasks which means even more remote work.  

So with all of this globalization and change, the role of managers is evolving as well. Managing a remote team that is not in the same spot at the same time every day is no easy task. While it can be rewarding since there is no restraint on location and the best talent can be hired from anywhere, there are some tips managers should keep in mind to help their remote teamwork better.  

Hire Smart and Train Well: 

Preparing employees to work in a remote setting makes managing the team much easier. This means screening potential employees for the necessary qualities need to work remotely. These can include proactivity, responsibility, independence, and trustworthiness. Positive references and experience working remotely can also be a huge plus as well as being tech-savvy.  

Once the right employees are hired, the onboarding process should reflect the companies remote culture. Virtual onboarding, video introductions, interactive training, and even mini-courses on how to use some of the applications the company may use to function remotely can be a great idea! These tools will prepare the employee to work remotely and become familiar with how the company operates. 

Plan a Proper Work Schedule 

Sure, it’s easy to keep tabs on employees coming in and out of the office each day. It’s clear if someone isn’t being productive when working in an office. Remote work, however, challenges this. It is hard to know how much time a person truly works when they are at home. They may be clocking 8 AM-3 PM but who knows if they are sleeping an hour late, taking a long break, or logging off early.  

There are software’s such as Time Doctor and DeskTime that help track employee progression even remotely. It’s okay for employees to have flexible schedules but equally important to make sure no one takes advantage or slacks off.  

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! 

Communication is one of the most important parts of managing any team, but especially relevant when all employees are not in the same setting. Daily communication whether it be via a morning meeting or a mass email each day will confirm that everyone is on the same page.  

Similarly, group projects and meetings are still part of the job so using platforms that make it easy for members to share their work and talk to one another will enhance communication. Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom all make it easy to chat while on a video call and also share content with other members.  

Offering one-on-one video meetings can be a good way to open the line of communication with employees too. With this, everyone has a chance to communicate with management when necessary, just like in an office! It is important to let staff know their feedback is wanted and encouraged. People may not always speak up during that morning zoom call so offer other chances too.  

Wrap Up: 

Globalization on top of the COVID-19 pandemic has made working remotely the new normal. It comes with challenges however as managing becomes difficult when staff is scattered in all different places and maybe even time zones, but there is still a job to be done. 

Keeping the companies remote culture in mind when hiring and training, keeping close tabs on employee productivity and open lines of communication are just 3 ways to effectively manage a remote working team.